Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Grey-headed Canary Fly Catcher

Grey-headed Canary Fly Catcher (Culicicapa  ceylonensis calochrysea)
         This bird was spotted at Kodaikanal, Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu in the month of January 2018. A very active one,  that always  relocated itself  to the same branch, few metres above the ground. The bird seems not to be bothered by  the presence of people and was activiely feeding on insects in the cold misty morning hours of the month. This species is widely distributed particulary in the Western Ghats and to an extent in some areas of the Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu. Their  preferable habitats are broad leaved forests and wooded areas particularly near areas where streams or water is available. These are mostly residential birds but may often show altitudinal migration.

Conservation status: Least concern

Links & ref:

1.     http://www.ebird.org. (AccessedMarch 19, 2019).
2.    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey-headed_canary-flycatcher

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