Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Dalmatian Pelican

Dalmatian Pelican
(Pelecanus crispus)

Dalmatian Pelicans are considered to be the largest of aquatic birds inhabiting inland and freshwater habitats/wetlands and coastal lagoons, river deltas and estuaries.  These species are reported to be present  in the North and North-Western regions  of India, confined to certain areas in the states of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Northern Uttar Pradesh. One sighting at Chilka lake in the state of Odisha has also been reported (e-bird). This species has not been spotted in the Southern India including the state of Tamil Nadu. These birds are migratory in nature and generally migrate short distances seeking warmer conditions. They are  solitary feeders and prefer to feed on fishes. During breeding season,  the pouch or the lower mandible is bright orange-red in colour and during other times it is dull yellow. They build simple nests made of reeds  in small island formations in the aquatic habitats or on vegetation found therein. The picture above was taken in Keoloadev National Park,  Bharatpur, Rajasthan in the month of February 2019. 

Conservation status: Near threatened


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Anonymous said...
